Shareholder FAQs

Shareholder FAQs

Who is Heartland's share registrar?

Our share registrar is MUFG Corporate Markets. MUFG Corporate Markets can be contacted directly in New Zealand or Australia:

New Zealand

MUFG Corporate Markets
Level 30, PwC Tower
15 Customs Street West, Auckland
PO Box 91976, Auckland 1142

Investor enquiries: +64 9 375 5998
Email: [email protected]


MUFG Corporate Markets
Level 12, 680 George Street
NSW 2000
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South
NSW 1235

Investor enquiries: +61 1300 554 474
Email: [email protected]

How can I buy or sell shares in Heartland?

You will need to contact a sharebroker or financial adviser who can explain how you can buy or sell Heartland shares.

How can I update my address, name, bank account or other details relating to my shareholding?

You can update these details and others online through the MUFG Corporate Markets website. See MUFG Corporate Markets’ FAQs for more about how to update your shareholding details.

How often does Heartland report its results and when will this occur?

Heartland's balance date is 30 June. For the purposes of the NZX Listing Rules, Heartland's annual result is announced in August and the interim result is announced in February of each year.

Is there any limit on how many Heartland shares I can hold?

Under the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act, a person must obtain the prior written consent of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand before acquiring an interest of 10% or more in Heartland.

The Takeovers Code prohibits a person from becoming the holder of more than 20% of the shares of Heartland, other than in accordance with the provisions of that code (which prescribes procedures for partial or full offers).

Under the Financial Markets Conduct Act, there are disclosure obligations for any person whose relevant interest in Heartland shares reaches a 5% threshold (with ongoing disclosure obligations for any subsequent movements of 1% or more in that substantial holding).